Leonardo “Flegma” Bujas objavio je besplatnu instalacijsku skriptu za eBot, TS3 i CS:GO, koja bi trebala pojednostaviti posao organizatorima turnira. Skriptu možete preuzimati i dijeliti, a u slučaju pitanja slobodno se javite Leu na društvenim mrežama.

Instalacijska skripta Ebot/TS3/CS:GO

Flegma slovi kao jedan od najboljih CS:GO admina u regiji te je sudjelovao u organizaciji 15-ak LAN-ove, te bezbroj online liga i kupova. ESL admin je dugih 10 godina, a sada je odlučio svoje znanje podijeliti sa svima – besplatno.

Na TwitLongeru naš je Flegma objavio podužu objavu na engleskom jeziku čije ćemo najvažnije dijelove prenijeti. Ukratko, radi se o instalacijskoj skripti za eBot, TS3 i CS:GO, koja priprema minimalnu instalaciju Ubuntua 16 s dodacima i zakrpama te tada pokreće instalaciju eBota, TS3 i CS:GO, s kojima ste svi više nego dobro upoznati. Preuzeti ju možete na githubu ili klikom na donju poveznicu. U nastavku donosimo video i step-by-step video vodič u kojem možete vidjeti kako skripta funkcionira. U slučaju da će skriptu početi koristiti velik broj ljudi, sve će biti prepisano za lakše održavanje i ažuriranje.


Step-by-Step guide

1. We are updating the system and adding Ondrej’s repo for PHP
2. We are removing new SSL libraries and installing older ones (this is needed because we are using an old PHP version)
3. We are running the eBot install script that can be found here: https://github.com/Flegma/eBot-install-script/blob/master/ebot-install.sh
3.1 eBot install script is asking you if you will run it Online or on LAN. If you will use it online, it checks the public IP and if you will use it on LAN, it uses the IP of your system.
3.2 eBot install script asks you if you will access eBot via some URL or via IP
3.3 eBot install script installs MySQL, Apache and compiles PHP 5.6.38 with pthreads and configures Apache for that purpose
3.4 eBot install script gets latest eBot, creates mysql user and password, creates eBot user and password and copies eBot configuration
4. After eBot is installed, it downloads TeamSpeak server files, unpacks them and creates a symlink for TS3 startscript (it also creates the license acceptance file)
5. After TS3 is installed, it is downloading Crazy-Max’s CSGO server launcher script, which can be found here: https://github.com/crazy-max/csgo-server-launcher/wiki/Installation#install-script
6. After all of this, you can restart services, create a CSGO server, start it, stop it, etc.
6.1 “service teamspeak restart” and after that “service teamspeak status” will show you privilege key for TS3
6.2 “service ebot restart” will restart eBot service and start it on configured IP
6.3 For the CSGO server, refer to CSGO installation Wiki (/etc/init.d/csgo-server-launcher create will download/create server. After that you need to configure it and start)


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